Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Great Dr. Jose Rizal Free Essays

â€Å"It is a useless life that is not consecrated to a great ideal. It is like a stone wasted on the field without becoming a part of any edifice. â€Å" Jose Rizal, a man with so many accomplishments, gives all of us inspiration to put diligence and hard work in all the things we do. We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Dr. Jose Rizal or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am amazed that even though Rizal’s life has become sort of a series of unfortunate events, he still made it yield a positive and favorable outcome for his nation and countrymen. While he was in exile, he didn’t mind the fact that he was sent to Dapitan to live like a prisoner and yet he still managed to become abundantly fruitful with varied achievements for he practiced medicine, pursued scientific studies, continued his artistic and literary works, widened his knowledge of languages, established a school for boys, promoted community development projects, engaged in farming and commerce and many others. Despite his many activities, he kept an extensive correspondence with his beloved family, relatives, fellow reformists, and his friends who were eminent scientists and scholars of Europe. It is only when it was mentioned in the documentary have I realized that Rizal never left the country to his own purpose and advantage, but to extend even greater his sacrifice for the sake of the Filipinos. Rizal truly was a person for his countrymen, he truly was a patriot and nationalistic for he never wanted to see his fellow countrymen being oppressed and being exploited -what made Jose Rizal stand out of the others as a hero to a nation. He truly was a man of action, he did not only look over the people nor just tell people what to do, and he helped them in their everyday work. Rizal was intelligent and yet very humble. He always put his countrymen first before him as well he never failed to express how he loved so much his family and the people he held close to his heart through his letters to them all throughout. These are credible and more than enough reasons for me to justify that Rizal is our hero, our inspiration and our lesson of the past that just like him, we should also strive hard to live honorably and be a man for our country. How to cite The Great Dr. Jose Rizal, Papers

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